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4 items
Neville Chamberlain (ddr-njpa-1-29)
img Neville Chamberlain (ddr-njpa-1-29)
Caption on newspaper clipping: "The British Chancellor and his 'Sunshine Budget': Neville Chamberlain leaving his home for the House of Commons with his budget speech in his brief case. He announced a surplus in the national revenues and a reduction of 10 per cent in the income tax."
Clipping photo of men watching the USS New Orleans enter Portsmouth Harbour (ddr-njpa-13-110)
img Clipping photo of men watching the USS New Orleans enter Portsmouth Harbour (ddr-njpa-13-110)
Caption on front: "ENGLAND SEES THE LATEST DEVELOPMENT IN AMERICAN NAVAL CONSTRUCTION: THE U. S. S. NEW ORLEANS. Entering Portsmouth Harbor, the First Ship of Its Class to Visit British Waters. She Aroused Keen Interest Among England's Naval Experts. (Times Wide World Photos, London Bureau.)"
Clipping photo of British civilians looking at a German ship (ddr-njpa-13-958)
img Clipping photo of British civilians looking at a German ship (ddr-njpa-13-958)
Caption on front: "A GERMAN WARSHIP VISITS A BRITISH NAVAL BASE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN TWENTY YEARS: THE KOENIGSBERG[sic], Flagship of the German Fleet, Entering the Harbor of Portsmouth, England, on a Mission of Peace Accompanied by the Leipzig, for the First Time Since the Outbreak of the World War. (Times Wide World Photos, London …
Newspaper clipping regarding Engelbert Dollfuss (ddr-njpa-1-214)
doc Newspaper clipping regarding Engelbert Dollfuss (ddr-njpa-1-214)
Caption on front: "The Austrian Chancellor tells the nation that he has been saved from an assassin's bullets: Dr. Engelbert Dollfuss, from his apartment in Vienna, broadcasts a message after he had been shot in the arm in the Austrian Parliament buildings in Vienna. Behind stands his wife. (Times Wide World Photos, London Bureau)."